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Discover the Power of Group Therapy

November 13, 2023


A man sitting on a couch with a laptop on his lap and having a virtual group meeting


If you’ve been interested in learning more about how group therapy works, you’ve come to the right place. In this article, we talk about how group therapy works, the benefits of group therapy, and where to get the best group therapy available online.

A group of individuals smiling and posing together while capturing a self-portrait using a mobile device

How Group Therapy Works

Group therapy operates in the same way as individual counseling, couples counseling, and marriage and family counseling sessions. The main difference in group therapy and individual or couples therapy is the number of people who take part in the therapy session. In group therapy, there are usually three or more people who share an interest or similar diagnosis that get therapy together. A licensed therapist will organize and lead the group therapy session.

Your therapist will designate the place and time for your group therapy session to meet. All members of the group will physically report, or join an online group therapy session online. Once all members of the group are present, your therapist will lead a 45-minute to one-hour group therapy session. Each member of the group will have his or her turn to ask and answer questions in the group. Depending on how your group is set up, your therapist may go in alphabetical order or choose another unbiased option that allows each group participant their turn to ask and answer questions.

The most important aspect of group therapy is the support of fellow group members who are experiencing similar challenges and the professional therapeutic advice provided by licensed counselors and therapists. Many therapists are incorporating group therapy options into their line of therapy services as the demand for group and socially supported therapy options increases. Online platforms are taking notice and offering group therapy sessions online for families and other groups who share similar interests or mental health diagnoses.

For example, you may find online therapy sessions designed for people suffering from chronic mental health issues like anxiety or depression. The members of these groups likely all suffer from the same chronic mental health condition or have another interest in getting therapy and advice for living with chronic symptoms of mental illness. Getting group therapy serves as a social support option for people who may not have a solid support network of family or friends.

An eldelry group of women smiling and laughing while holding a wine glass

The Benefits of Group Therapy For Chronic Mental Health

Group members often become lifelong friends as they learn how to navigate life’s challenges in a healthier way. All group therapy sessions are for the benefit and betterment of each member of the group. People who are allowed into group therapy that are disruptive, rude, or otherwise violate the terms of the group or therapist’s rules, will likely be warned and then removed from the group. Group therapy may not be the best option for everyone.

The best way to learn if group therapy is a good fit for you is to try a therapy session in-person or online to get a feel for how group therapy sessions work. Most people who take part in group therapy sessions also have individual sessions with a licensed therapy provider to discuss more sensitive and personal issues. If you’re interested in learning more about how group therapy works or in joining an active online therapy group, a quick Google search is the best place to start,

Social Support – Not everyone has a solid support network. People who get group therapy get a chance to receive validation and support from others who share similar values and diagnoses.

Mental Health Support – People who get group therapy are often suffering from mild-to-moderate mental health issues like anxiety, post-traumatic stress disorder, depression, or bipolar. Group therapy provides new behavior strategies and gives participants the chance to practice their new behaviors and emotional coping skills in a safe, protected and structured environment.

Life Skills – When people get group therapy, they are able to interact and engage with people who have similar life circumstances from a different point of view. Conversations held in group therapy can provide group members with additional community resources, life advice, and other support options that they wouldn’t normally have access to.

How to join a group therapy session online:

  1. Login to your therapy account on a leading therapy platform.
  2. Select the name of the group you want to join.
  3. Find the date and time that fits your schedule best.
  4. Confirm your appointment by registering for your group therapy session via email.
  5. Save your therapy appointment date on a written or digital calendar so you don’t miss your group therapy session.

Find a quiet, secure, and private place to chat 15-20 minutes before the start of your online therapy session. Login to your therapy account and follow the prompts to enter your therapy session. Join your group therapy session with an open mind and participate in the group to learn more about how to have better communication skills, healthier relationships, and stronger emotional resilience. If you enjoy the benefits of learning from group therapy sessions, consider getting private therapy sessions with a leading online therapy platform.
