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CBT Training For Therapists

November 13, 2023


A man and a woman waving at each other through the laptop screen while engaged in a video call

Continuing education can be an integral part of a therapist’s professional journey, allowing them to prioritize professional development throughout their careers. Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) training is one of the most common and applicable forms of training available. While psychologists and other mental health professionals are often already trained to employ CBT techniques in their practice, there are regular updates and additions to treatment standards as well as various approaches to CBT treatment that may be worth adding to your treatment repertoire. Additionally, there are CBT certification courses that provide in-depth and focused training surrounding the latest CBT best practices. 

CBT, highly recognized for its effectiveness, provides therapists with a robust framework for understanding and addressing a variety of mental health disorders. Its applicability, particularly in treating conditions like depression, is well-documented. In one study, researchers found that cognitive therapies were an effective method for addressing various mood and personality disorders while also reducing regression into old patterns of behavior, which can be a common factor in mental health treatment. 

Undergoing CBT training not only broadens a therapist’s skill set but can also significantly enhance their ability to provide quality care to patients. This foundational training equips therapists with the essential tools to help their patients navigate their mental health journeys, making it a valuable asset in any therapeutic practice.

Two ladies smiling engrossed in work sitting at a table while working on a laptop

In another study, researchers examined the effect of continuing education on therapists and the quality of the services they were able to provide. The team discovered that therapists who engaged in active learning and continually applied their new knowledge in a systems-contextual manner improved client outcomes, their skills as a therapist, and their overall attitudes toward evidence-based practices.

This study illustrates the importance of understanding that becoming a therapist is just the beginning of a career-long journey of learning and development. 

Types Of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) is a profound therapeutic technique that aims to confront and alter damaging beliefs or behaviors and facilitate the adoption of new perspectives. CBT involves a systematic approach that teaches people how to identify their usual thinking patterns and challenge any unhelpful or unproductive thoughts. This may allow them to cultivate healthier perspectives and reactions over time.

CBT is a highly flexible methodology, which contributes to its widespread application across various specialties and practices. This adaptability stems from CBT’s universal focus on the interrelation of thoughts, feelings, and behaviors, a concern relevant to numerous fields of psychological health.

However, CBT is not a one-size-fits-all approach to therapy. In fact, there are multiple types of CBT, each with its own unique set of strategies and techniques. By learning about each of these different approaches to CBT, therapists may be able to expand the diversity of tools available to apply to different cases and clients requiring more tailored and personalized strategies.

By engaging in comprehensive CBT training, therapists can deepen their understanding, knowledge, and skill set, enabling them to apply various forms of CBT effectively. This diversification in therapeutic approaches not only increases professional competence but also opens doors to treating a more diverse array of clientele. Whether treating depression, anxiety, or other mental health disorders, a well-trained CBT therapist can adapt their approach to address the unique needs of various individuals, either in-person or through online therapy.

Let’s explore some of the different types of CBT and their potential uses.

Trauma-Focused Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy

Trauma-focused cognitive behavioral therapy (TF-CBT) is a pivotal approach in the arsenal of cognitive therapies. It can offer profound benefits in assisting individuals who are coping with the psychological impacts of trauma and working through the entrenched effects it can have on thoughts, intimacy, and other factors. 

One of the most notable advantages of TF-CBT is its efficacy in reducing symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), such as anxiety, depression, and intrusive thoughts. This form of therapy can be useful for reconstructing trauma-related narratives into more balanced and less distressing cognitions, potentially resulting in a significant improvement in the overall mental health of an individual who has experienced trauma. 

TF-CBT can also provide clients with valuable skills that equip them to cope with future stresses and triggers effectively. This form of therapy includes coping techniques like relaxation, distraction, and cognitive restructuring, as well as the development of mindfulness and other constructive coping mechanisms. These strategies can be useful not only in helping to manage current distress but also in serving as preventive measures by fortifying individuals against potential future traumas. 

Integrative Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy

Integrative cognitive behavioral therapy is an approach to mental health care that combines the principles of traditional CBT with elements from other therapy types, such as mindfulness therapy, and even creative forms of therapy such as music therapy. 

It’s designed to offer a more holistic and individualized treatment plan for patients, addressing not only their thought patterns and behaviors but also their emotional and relational aspects. Integrative cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) can serve as a powerful tool to help individuals integrate therapeutic learning into their everyday lives and learn practical, applicable skills. 

This approach merges cognitive therapies with behavioral strategies, empowering clients to challenge their thought patterns and choose healthier responses to stressors. Clients are often given real-world tasks as part of integrative therapy to help them apply what they’ve learned in therapy in their own lives. These tasks are specifically designed to help bridge the gap between theory and practice and cultivate long-term improvements. 

Acceptance And Commitment Therapy (ACT)

Acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT) is a dynamic approach that can be a highly effective addition to a therapist’s repertoire of treatment strategies. Rooted in cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), ACT emphasizes psychological flexibility and helps individuals live in congruence with their values. In a comprehensive review, researchers identified that ACT practices are able to create positive effects for a broad range of target conditions, mainly including depression, OCD, and anxiety/stress regulation. 

By teaching patients to accept their emotional experiences rather than reject or control them, ACT promotes resilience and flexibility in confronting life’s challenges. For therapists undergoing CBT training, incorporating ACT can augment their therapeutic toolkit, enabling them to create personalized, targeted treatment plans that empower patients to lead more fulfilling lives. 

ACT is often used to treat anxiety disorders, depression, obsessive-compulsive disorder, and substance use, among other issues. It may also help therapists promote mindfulness and values-based living, which can be transformative for clients who are experiencing psychological distress.

A smiling man wearing a green shirt sitting at a coffee table while typing on his laptop

Using CBT In Online Therapy

Therapists trained in cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) are currently in high demand. Many virtual therapy platforms, such as BetterHelp, are looking for therapists who can apply CBT in the online setting. Undergoing CBT training may help therapists apply these techniques more readily, particularly in the digital setting. Therefore, CBT training may not only increase the diversity of clients within a therapist’s reach but might also make them more effective mental health professionals. 

Studies have shown that online therapy can facilitate a consistent and comfortable environment for clients, which can be conducive to the openness and honesty required for CBT to be effective. Clients can work through therapeutic exercises and maintain regular communication with their therapists, critical aspects of the successful application of behavioral and cognitive therapies. 

The Efficacy Of Online Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy

Just as in-person CBT has been proven to be highly effective, CBT has also shown promise in the realm of online therapy, enabling clients to receive the quality of care they need in a more flexible, accessible manner. Unlike traditional face-to-face therapy, online CBT allows individuals to choose a comfortable and familiar environment for sessions, often leading to a more relaxed and receptive client. 

This therapeutic approach can effectively treat a range of disorders, including depression, anxiety, and PTSD by helping clients recognize and adjust their maladaptive thought patterns. By using CBT techniques in the online setting, therapists can help bridge the gap between need and access, making mental health services more readily available to those who may not have been able to access them otherwise. In one study, it was found that chat therapy sessions using cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) techniques were just as effective as in-person therapy for clients and helped to reduce symptoms of depression and anxiety


Cognitive-behavioral therapy training can be a vital asset for therapists who wish to augment their practice and broaden their therapeutic capabilities. Engaging in CBT training not only equips practitioners with a robust, evidence-based toolset for addressing a vast array of mental health issues but also empowers them to approach each client’s unique situation with greater adaptability and precision. Therapists trained in CBT are also more qualified to practice in the online setting, improving their ability to reach a more diverse array of clients.
