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What Are The Benefits of Online Therapy?

September 29, 2023


A pair of smiling men lounging on a couch while using a tablet


With all of the news surrounding the global pandemic and issues related to civil unrest in the United States, there is no wonder why more people are becoming curious about therapy. As we struggle with bearing the brunt of our new normal battling the uncertainty of what’s coming next is starting to take a toll. In this article, we provide you with an introduction to therapy. We talk about what therapy is, the benefits of therapy, and where to get affordable therapy online. Let’s start with the basics.

What is Therapy?

While the topic of therapy also known as “psychotherapy” has recently become a hot topic, not everyone understands what’s involved when you get therapy. The dictionary definition of therapy states that therapy is a “treatment intended to heal a disorder.” In the case of psychotherapy, the disorders that are in question are psychological. Psychotherapy is designed to treat symptoms of chronic and acute mental illnesses like anxiety, depression, post-traumatic stress disorder, and similar conditions.

When you engage in psychotherapy sessions with a licensed therapist, the goal of these question-and-answer sessions is to learn more about the issues you’re having that are causing negative outcomes in your life.

A licensed therapist has been clinically trained in the art of diagnosing, analyzing, and treating mental health disorders. Today’s therapists hold a minimum of a master’s degree in their chosen field of practice. Before becoming licensed, therapists are required to earn a masters’ degree from an accredited institution followed by one to three thousand hours of hands-on clinical practice. Each state has their own guidelines and requirements for licensed therapists. If you want to learn more about the rules for licensed therapists in your state, check with your state’s local licensing board.

A man sitting at a desk with his laptop having an online meeting with a group of people while raising his right hand

Types of Therapy

The main reason that psychotherapy is becoming so popular is that it works. People who get therapy consistently report an improvement in the quality of their lives and circumstances. Getting therapy has saved marriages and relationships as couples learn new strategies and behaviors for communicating that help improve the quality of the marriage. Another benefit of getting therapy is that you learn how to set goals and achieve those goals with the guidance and support of a licensed clinician. There are a wide variety of therapy options available for individuals, couples, and families. The following are examples of therapy types available.

Individual Counseling and Therapy – Individual counseling and therapy sessions are designed for people who have personal challenges in their lives and those seeking professional guidance and support. Counseling and therapy sessions for individuals are held in one-on-one sessions where a licensed therapist and therapy client is present.

Couples Counseling and Therapy – Joint counseling sessions that consist of dating, married, or intimate couples are conducted as couples therapy, relationship therapy, or marriage counseling sessions. In these sessions, a licensed marriage and family counselor engages in a question-and-answer session with both partners in a couple to learn about relationship issues and challenges. Couples who get relationship counseling or marriage therapy aren’t limited to seeing a therapist with their spouse. A licensed marriage and family therapist can have one-on-one sessions with each partner to discuss sensitive or personal issues.

Family Counseling and Therapy – Much like individual counseling and couples counseling, the goal of family counseling and therapy is to restore harmony within families. Family counseling sessions often consist of members of the immediate family who share a household and daily responsibilities. These sessions can branch out to include extended family members and relatives or other interested parties who are invested in the healing of the family. Family counselors may conduct sessions with some or all of the members of a family present. Therapists can also conduct individual one-one-sessions with family members to help them deal with personal challenges and chronic mental health issues.

A stressed looking woman sitting at a table in front of her laptop in the middle of the kitchen

Where To Get Affordable Therapy

Now that you understand the benefits of therapy and what types of therapy are available, let’s look at the available options for getting therapy. Traditionally, therapy sessions would be conducted in a therapist’s office in a private practice environment. While one-on-one sessions with a therapist in private practice are still available options, there are also more flexible and affordable alternatives for getting therapy.

Online therapy options are making it easier for individuals, couples, and families to get therapy from the comfort of their homes, offices, and schools. Clients seeking therapy can easily be connected with licensed therapists in your state by downloading a popular online therapy app and creating a free therapy account. Online therapists hold the same credentials as their offline counterparts and practice the same popular therapy modalities like cognitive-behavioral therapy (cbt).

People who regularly get cognitive-behavioral therapy have reported up to a seventy-percent increase in happiness and satisfaction with their lives. Getting therapy online is an affordable option for people who have issues with transportation, those homebound due to illness, college students, homeschooling parents, and rural families with limited access to therapy.


If you or a loved one is interested in learning more about where to find licensed therapists in your state, a quick Google search will yield local results. Online therapy is also an affordable option for getting qualified psychotherapy from the comfort of your home, school, or office.
