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A Practical Guide To Self-Care for Therapists

November 13, 2023


A man wearing a black apron sitting down in the middle of a green house smiling while checking the plants

Like other helping professions, therapists often face a unique set of psychological pressures. As a mental health professional, you may work closely with clients in emotionally intense situations or traumatic events, and, even with strong boundaries, you may be affected by what your clients share during sessions. Without a solid foundation of health and stability, job stress and emotional fatigue can take a toll. 

Burnout is common among therapists—one survey found that nearly half of its 62,900 participants (45%) reported feelings of burnout. However, burnout can be prevented through practical self-care strategies and workplace interventions. Here, we will explore how to create a practical, achievable self-care plan that can help you manage stress and grow in your career. With consistent effort, you may mitigate burnout, improve personal well-being, and achieve professional success.

Understanding Burnout And Compassion Fatigue

For therapists, burnout may be brought on by a number of circumstances, such as day-to-day job stress, handling ethical dilemmas, dealing with challenging cases, or taking care of the business aspects of maintaining a private practice. Risk factors for burnout include long working hours, lack of sleep, and poor lifestyle habits, and may also be compounded by local or workplace culture. 

In addition to work-related burnout, the emotional intensity of mental health work can also pose a challenge for clinicians. It may be difficult to maintain a strong sense of compassion and empathy long-term, and many therapists report feelings of guilt, emotional exhaustion, and ineffectiveness. Therapists may experience a disconnect between the desire to help their clients and their capacity for emotional labor.

It can be crucial to understand that compassion is not infinite; it can take time to emotionally replenish oneself. If you begin feeling exhausted, it may help to prioritize rest, self-compassion, and relaxation. In addition to taking time to recharge, you might also consider adopting self-care strategies that address each aspect of your well-being. Consistent self-care can give you an opportunity to reset your brain and maintain emotional resilience from day to day.

A woman smiling in front of the mirror while fitting a green dress

Creating A Realistic Self-Care Plan

If you are a therapist dealing with work stress, burnout, or compassion fatigue, you may benefit from creating a realistic and sustainable self-care plan tailored to your specific needs and challenges. However, balancing each component of well-being can feel like a juggling act, and with limited time, it may be tricky to ensure each of your needs are met.

Here are some tips for creating and maintaining a self-care plan that is both manageable and effective:

  • Manage Your Time Wisely: Effective time management can be essential to caring for yourself, investing in your relationships, and pursuing your professional goals. By researching different time management techniques, you can find one or several that work for you.
  • Start Small: When committing to new habits, focus on one or two achievable goals at the start, rather than attempting to overhaul your life all at once. As you adapt to these new habits, you can begin building upon your success by adding bigger and more frequent milestones.
  • Track Your Progress: Habit trackers and journals can be useful tools for tracking your progress and staying consistent. By checking in with yourself regularly, you can ensure you are on track and adjust as needed should you find yourself off course.
  • Set Goals: Setting SMART goals can help you determine clear, actionable steps to achieve desired outcomes, ensuring your efforts are focused and measurable over time.
  • Stay Flexible: If you have a hard time sticking to your initial plan, don’t hesitate to re-evaluate your options and try something different. Practice self-compassion as you adapt to changes, navigate obstacles, and learn from setbacks.

Components Of Self-Care

When experiencing burnout or compassion fatigue, your first course of action might involve taking a break. Whether it’s a relaxing long weekend, vacation, or sabbatical, consider taking time off to address your needs and set goals for improving your work-life balance. A well-rounded and achievable self-care approach can be crucial for cultivating a positive relationship with yourself, your clients, and your career. Let’s explore the different aspects of well-being and how you can practice self-care in each of these areas. 

Physical Health

Maslow’s hierarchy of needs recognizes physiological health as the foundation of human well-being. For therapists, maintaining physical health can be especially important; poor lifestyle habits can have a negative effect on stress levels and emotional resilience, making it challenging to offer the support your clients need.

If you feel there may be room for improvement, consider how you can adopt healthier habits. This may mean making time for healthy home-cooked meals, engaging in regular physical activity, or improving your sleep hygiene. Even small changes can have a significant impact on your overall well-being, making it easier to manage job stress and provide quality care to your clients. 

Emotional Well-being

Mental health work often involves significant emotional stress—difficult cases, complex client relationships, and emotionally intense sessions can make it crucial to prioritize your own emotional health. For therapists, this may mean establishing clear boundaries, such as limiting contact with clients outside of business hours, setting clear expectations and boundaries, and minimizing time spent discussing work. 

It may also be beneficial to improve emotional awareness through self-monitoring and reflection. Take note of your own emotions, both as a consistent mindfulness habit and through journaling, meditation, or discussion with others. Becoming more aware of your emotional responses can be beneficial to your own mental health while also helping you avoid issues such as countertransference, bias, or reactivity. 

Mental Health

Just as you might advise clients to care for their mental health, it can be essential to consider ways to improve your own. If you have been struggling to maintain your mental well-being due to job pressures or personal struggles, you might try reaching out to a therapist of your own. While your training and education may qualify you to offer treatment to others, the objective perspective and specialized guidance of another trained professional can be a valuable resource for managing work stress and emotional exhaustion.

Additionally, you may explore ways to implement evidence-based strategies for personal growth, such as cognitive restructuring or mindfulness practices. Resources such as CBT workbooks, guided meditations, or support groups can also help you approach your own mental health in a more structured way. 

A lady wearing brown long sleeves smiling in front of the computer while sitting in the middle of the kitchen

Spiritual Self-Care

Faith and spirituality can play an important role in the overall well-being of some individuals. Between the nature of mental health work and daily job stress, forging a spiritual connection with yourself and the world around you can be critical in combating burnout, compassion fatigue, and emotional exhaustion. 

Your personal beliefs and cultural traditions may influence how you care for yourself spiritually. You might choose to attend a religious service or spiritual retreat, for example, or try to spend more time in nature. Improved digital hygiene can also offer a way to achieve spiritual growth; spending your free time in more meaningful ways can help you find a greater sense of purpose and life satisfaction.

Social Wellness 

Mental health work is a highly social vocation. Because you may spend a lot of time handling challenging client situations, it can be important to find plenty of positive social outlets to enrich your personal life. Prioritize spending time with friends, family, and loved ones, as these relationships can provide emotional support, a sense of belonging, and an opportunity to relax and have fun. 

Therapists may also find value in scheduling quality alone time to help them restore their social energy. It is not uncommon for mental health workers to feel drained from tending to both personal and professional relationships. Taking time to yourself may help you recharge and refresh your emotional reserves.

Professional Self-Care

Professional self-care refers to the set of habits and behaviors you might use to manage your day-to-day work habits, minimize work stress, and achieve your career goals. Time management, for example, can be crucial for maximizing productivity and mitigating stress. You may also need to set boundaries and discuss expectations with colleagues, clients, and other relevant parties to safeguard your well-being.

It may be worth considering adjusting your caseload—taking on too many clients can quickly lead to burnout and decrease the quality of care you’re able to provide. Consider referring some clients to other practitioners and reallocating time to caring for yourself, managing admin tasks, or pursuing professional development. You may also consider switching practices or moving from in-person to online therapy.

Support For Therapists 

Therapists need support much like anyone else. In many cases, they may even need extra assistance due to the nature of their work. 

Online resources such as may serve as a valuable source of wisdom and guidance for managing your practice, improving your therapeutic approach, and contending with the challenges of mental health work. Through, you can connect with other mental health professionals and learn helpful tips and strategies for growing your practice and achieving your professional goals.

If you are a mental health professional struggling to balance the demands of your personal and professional life, it may be worth reaching out for mental health support. Cognitive-behavioral and mindfulness-based therapies, for example, can teach practical skills and frameworks for practicing self-care and improving job satisfaction. You can receive a free trial of online therapy by signing up with a platform like BetterHelp.


Therapists may face unique challenges when it comes to managing their mental health while balancing the demands of their personal and professional lives. In addition to improving stress management and physical well-being, it can be crucial to prioritize habits and practices that specifically address the effects of prolonged emotional labor. Resources like online therapy can offer personalized support and guidance from one professional to another. By prioritizing your own well-being, you can develop the life skills and emotional resilience necessary for a long and rewarding career in the mental health field.
